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Our professional services team can help you build and orchestrate a strategy that supports your organization in environmental, health and safety (EHS) programs to create safe and healthy workplaces.

Having operations in major cities in Mexico, we collaborate with large domestic and global business delivering innovative and compliance solutions in EHS through strategic partnership.




We deliver innovative solutions in Environmentl, Health and Safety (EHS) for compliance along the business operations life cycle of our clients.

We collaborate to build and orchestrate an EHS strategy for each company’s operations and help in achieving their goals and next steps to address the future.

Our services

Nuestros servicios

Civil Protection

Mexico is a world leader in civil protection due to the coordination of the three levels of government and their actions in disaster prevention, emergency response and the promotion of a culture of prevention.

Companies and organizations must observe and comply with guidelines and regulations in this matter, with guidelines and regulations in this area.

To fulfill the tasks entrusted by law, we provide some of the following services:

  • Internal and external risk analysis

  • Non-structural elements analysis

  • Geological risk assessment

  • Development and implementation of Specific Civil Protection Programs

  • Training of brigades and emergency bodies


Environmental Services

Our comprehensive solutions allow us to identify and measure the environmental impact of the construction and activities of our clients, collaborating at each stage of their projects, for compliance with environmental regulations and the conservation of natural resources.

We collaborate with practices to minimize the environmental impact of our client's operations by offering these services:

  • Audits and environmental impact studies

  • Follow-up of environmental monitoring, maturities and presentations

  • Waste management

  • Environmental emergency plans


Occupational Health Services

Proper management of occupational health and safety for a safe and risk-free work environment brings benefits in the productivity and economic development of companies and organizations. Globally, poor health and safety practices have overall costs of up to 4% of global GDP.

We collaborate with our clients to identify and prevent losses due to occupational risks and diseases, complying with applicable regulations. The services we provide are the following:

  • Occupational health services

  • Analysis of risk agents that cause occupational diseases

  • Pre-employment evaluation service

  • Training of personnel in health, first aid, prevention, etc.

  • Lab tests

  • Equipment for medical services areas

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Health and safety services

The Mexico’s Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS for its acronym in spanish) is the regulatory agency for enforcing of labor regulations and compliance with security and prevention practices into facilities of companies and organisations.

The services we provide are the following:

  • Diagnostic audits on health and higiene

  • Risk assessments

  • Studies on ergonomics, ventilation, thermal stress, ilumination, noise levels, etc

  • Training of emergency brigades

  • Specific training, advising and prevention programs

  • Reception and monitoring of audits by authorities

  • Consulting in management systems

  • Advice on industrial hygyene conditions


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Information Technology


Main Design Center (MDC)

Our activities:

Management of health and safety services during the facilities construction.

Contact us

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SSM Consultores,
Calle Longinos Cadena 1468
CP 44970  Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.

Teléfono: +52 (33) 2876 6415

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